Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Why Geneva
Now here is the rub inherent in Geneva is that it applied only to uniformed soldiers. Since pretty much everyone we've taken from Afganistan and Iraq were out of uniform, they fall under a different definition in the Convention: spies. Spies are completely outside of the Convention's protection. Spies and saboteurs could be killed on discovery. In this light, Gitmo seems downright benevolent.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Pondering Vocabulary
Friday, June 30, 2006
My Thought on The New York Times
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The Problem in a Nutshell
While this comment at Balloon Juice doesn't actually use the word evil, it does go to the personalization of political discourse. Please, can someone liberal please step up and debate in such a way that I can have a civil drink with them? Not too much to ask, is it?
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Implications Not Thought Through
Sure, let's block the view of the peep holes for burglars. Also, can you imagine the damage that the glue might end up doing? Finally, it would seem to be rather labor intensive to get the folds and placement just right.
Link via Dave Barry
Friday, June 23, 2006
A Bad Day for Security
A Bad Day for Security
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Too Unusual for Justice
A 79-year-old woman set to be tried on charges that she fatally shot her 85-year-old ex-beau is being deprived of her constitutional right to a fair trial, her attorney said.Call this one a loser. The idea in America is that every citizen is equal under the law. Therefore, there is only one status in America, and all are peers by definition. Her lawyer should be looking for jurors who have been jilted in relationships. Those folks would be the peers he should want on the jury.
Driskell is nearly a decade older than the legal age for exemption as a juror in the state of Georgia, which is 70.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Forget Vinegar and Baking Soda
Saturday, June 17, 2006
US/Italy Tie
Count me in with everyone else, the referee sucked big time. Interesting thing about that guy, he had been suspended before after complaints from fellow referees. Let's hope it happens again.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Update to Saw This One Coming
Good to see that someone with at least peripheral responsibility in the Katrina aid mess stepping up to do the right thing. I'd like to see that lawyer who took $1,000 make the donation of such funds.
Insert lawyer joke here.
One Terrorist Game
I think that there needs to be some responsibility on the part of the marginal increase of reader/viewership who seem only interested in carnage. Come on people, don't be such news vultures.It's a macabre example of win-win in what economists call a "common-interest game," say Bruno S. Frey of the University of Zurich and Dominic Rohner of Cambridge University.
"Both the media and terrorists benefit from terrorist incidents," their study contends. Terrorists get free publicity for themselves and their cause. The media, meanwhile, make money "as reports of terror attacks increase newspaper sales and the number of television viewers."
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Saw This One Coming
The GAO uncovered records showing that $1,000 from a FEMA debit card went to a Houston divorce lawyer; $600 was spent in a strip club and $400 was spent on "adult erotica products," all of which auditors concluded were "not necessary to satisfy legitimate disaster needs."You put out money on the honor of the populace in general, you're going to find the bad apples. Too bad it costs so much to bring them out.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Bust Your Diet in Style
A Kobe beef hot dog ($14) pairs well with fries topped with Asiago cheese and truffle oil ($4.50).And who said that in the future there would only be McDonald's?
Sunday, June 11, 2006
I Sincerely Apologize
Forgive me for sharing the pain, but it was too much to bear on my own.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Color Me Confused
is to prove
that a much-publicized prescription for defeating aging by biogerontologist Aubrey de Grey was "so wrong that it was unworthy of learned debate."So some people are going to use learned debate to prove something is unworthy thereof? Sounds a bit self-defeating to me.
Link via Instapundit.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Who Feeds on Whom?
In short, a corporation can only exert influence over and by what it owns. If you let the government have too much power, it becomes something worthwhile to buy. Check my last entry for a tongue in cheek take on that idea. But seriously, a corporation can only influence what it owns. People may have griped about Microsoft acting like a monopoly, but you certainly weren't looking over your shoulder for Bill Gates when you were last getting a physical. Nor would Wal-Mart have much to do with the cost of milk, what with the subsidies in effect. But in both cases, the government is right there, or threatens to be there. So why wouldn't corporations want to buy some of that?
Government influence is the ultimate contraband, and the only way to fight it is to cut off the production of it.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
What They Can Do With Their Money
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Was it Boredom?
Evidently it is a lightly hidden ciphertext that in turn is a substitution code. At least one of the lawyers is promising to break the cypher.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Backhanded Insanity Defense
From my own point of view, I'd say give the guy life in prison. He wants martyrdom, and he'll use the state to get it. Kind of like the old joke that when the masochist says, "Hurt me," and the sadist says, "No."Zerkin had asked Moussaoui whether he believes his defense team is in a conspiracy to kill him.
Moussaoui responded that the defense attorneys have engaged in "criminal non-assistance," the AP reported.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Tech for Terrorism
That is, they don't have a nuclear device to pass on to those who would wish to do our country harm. What I am concerned about is the use of this material in dirty bombs. Is there some way of tracking where a given sample of uranium had been refined?
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Political Tacking
One of the quotes cited has McCain on the Daily Show conceding that he is headed toward "crazy-base world" in preparation for a run. Agreed, not a great way to get in good with that base, but I think that it does prep the road back for him to the center should he pull in the nomination. The media might just be a bit more forgiving if he comes off as insincere in the first part rather than in the second. Granted, the media will never favor a Republican, no matter how unorthodox, or a Democrat.
That wink is going to keep him in relatively good stead through the primaries. At least for him, the media will cover him as if they didn't have their noses pinched shut.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
The Patriotism of Crushing Dissent
How about this: we don't question your patriotism for protesting if you don't question our patriotism should we decide to break up one of your little shindigs? One of your progressive heroes has just called that type of hooliganism patriotic.The attacks intensified after a speech by Castro last July in which he denounced opposition activists as U.S. government lackeys and praised supporters who two weeks earlier disrupted a dissident protest in Havana.
"The people, angrier than before over such shameless acts of treason, intervened with patriotic fervor and didn't allow a single mercenary to move," Castro said. "This is what will happen however many times as necessary when traitors and mercenaries go a millimeter beyond the point that our revolutionary people ... are prepared to permit."
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
How Was This Supposed to Work?
File this one under "Doesn't the DHS have better things to be doing?"
Link via Ciggy's Smokehouse
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
At Least They Aren't The Wiggy Ones
Friday, February 10, 2006
Sorta Liveblogging the Opening Ceremony
Were the cows really necessary?
I think I may start laughing any moment.
OK, the lady with the Italian flag is kind of hot.
Enter the figurehead president.
9:20 The kid singing the Italian anthem clearly doesn't have stage fright. Lord knows that having the whole world watching you could certainly cause it.
Things had better pick up, or this is going to lose out to Battlestar Galactica.
11:00 Battlestar Galactica won.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Somebody Had to Say It
The controversy over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in a Danish newspaper has led the producers of The Simpsons to reconsider his appearance in a forthcoming episode. The offending cartoons included a picture of the founder of Islam wearing a turban, and have been slammed by Muslims for being blasphemous and Israelis as overly subtle.All kidding aside, don't you get the sense that this is why so many media outlets are not publishing the cartoons, if only to provide their viewers the context of what is really causing the uproar. "Sensitivity to the Muslim community" is the face saving excuse, but I don't think that it is unfair to say that the bullying has been effective.
“In light of the situation in Denmark, we have decided to withdraw our depiction of the Prophet out of sensitivity towards the Islamic community’s feelings,” creator Matt Groening said. “And also our sensitivity to our office being firebombed.”
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Shoulda Gotten a Haircut
Monday, February 06, 2006
My Good Deed for the Week
Friday, February 03, 2006
Compare and Contrast
Compare that with the (putatively artistic) provocation with what can no longer be considered an uproar. The Western World at least has a sense of humor (make sure you have one when you click here) when humor is intended.
Trackbacked to Castle Argghhh!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Definintely Not the Hands-Free Model
Personally, I have enough issues with voices without inviting anyone else, thank you very much.
Link via Electric Venom
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
So I'm Not the Only One
*yawn*I agree. Politics these days is boring. Both sides are out for party gain, and there is no philosophy being debated. I've heard all of the names being thrown around, and let me tell you, the bloom is off the rose.
Wake me up when Individualism vs. Statism starts up again.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
My (Sorta) Liveblog of the SOTU
6:50 (Pacific) Like we can hold off the impending crisis in the Middle East until 2025, Bush's proposed date of energy independence.
6:53 Uh oh, there's the "compassionate" word. He's listing off a lot of things that he claims is the result of positive impact on private character by government policy. Like I said, I wish he were conservative.
6:57 Evidently the President has his limits on the American advancement in science. Turns out that the pressure is encouraging adult stem cell research. Still, if the government were not involved, I think that social-con Bush would still seek to hamstring the work being done.
7:03 Platitude, platitude, blah, blah, blah
Pretty much what I thought, Bush is a politician.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Condescension At Work
In response, I began to read verbatim quotes form Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other Iranian rulers about their lethal intentions toward the U.S., their genocidal plans for Israel, their hostility toward “Anglo-Saxon civilization.”
Professor Amirahmadi objected that scholars and journalists must not take such remarks seriously. He suggested it was either unsophisticated or unfair of me (maybe both) to repeat such statements on the air.
By what measure does one use to judge whether a political leader can be judged by their words? This is saying that someone may not be taken seriously merely because... what? They use rhetoric that does not fit into the journalistic or academic paradigm? The decision to give credibility shows more of a high and mighty attitude on the part of the listener than any statement about the quality of the speaker..
If they can't be trusted to use words properly, then how can we trust them to have nuclear power? Even more, if they can not be trusted use words properly, how can we rely on the words they use in any negotiation?
Link via Castle Argghhh!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Gaming Hurricanes
This part struck me:
A month before Katrina hit, state and federal officials working on the Pam exercise estimated that government plans to evacuate people from New Orleans were only 10 percent complete.I assume that means that evacuation plans could only move ten percent of the people who need moving. One problem that I did not hear about was the lines at evacuation points prior to the storm hitting. What I want to know is to what degree the gamed evacuation plans were actually put into effect. For that matter, just how involved and aware of the results were the governments of New Orleans and Louisiana?
"If you think soup lines in the Depression were long, wait till you see lines" at collection points in New Orleans, Transportation Department regional emergency officer Don Day said at a July 29 briefing with federal and state authorities.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Don't Ask Where He Got His Numbers
I know that time is money, but just what units do you use to measure Motivational levels and Need to take Action? Somehow, he determined that today was the worst day of the year. I might have been happier had I not read this article. Then I might have had some hope left for humanity.On paper, the formula looks like this:
W + (D-d) x TQ
M x NAThe variables are (W)eather, (D)ebt, (d) monthly salary, (T)ime since Christmas, time since failure to (Q)uit a bad habit, low (M)otivational levels and (NA), the need to take action.
This guy pulled the numbers either out of thin air, or out of someplace else less sanitary. Be sure to go wash your hands after reading the article.
Link via Dave Barry
Friday, January 20, 2006
Battlestar WTF
Non-Violence vs. the Shameless
Let's get real. Whatever they may think of the mullahs, the Iranian people, and such civil society as they have built in the shadows, have no stomach to seriously oppose them. The mullahs have proven that they are quite willing to kill, with their Basij hitler youth corps and al-Qaeda mercenaries, as many Iranians as necessary. Nonviolent measures like the commendable struggle of decent people like Akbar Ganji or even Ayatollah Montazeri are, in this situation, useless.The idea of Ghandi-like passive resistance makes a major assumption regarding those who are being protested against. Namely, that the protested possess a sense of shame. The British colonials put great store on honor, an honor that was shaken by attacking unarmed people. The people of the United States were moved to revulsion by the images of non-violent protesters having dogs sicced upon them and water cannons blasting them.
As near as anyone can tell, the Mullahs of Iran have no such shame. They answer to a 'higher' power, and any means to that end is good. Clearly, we are talking more about nails that stand up rather than squeaky wheels.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
On the Right Course
Suddenly, it was looking like Terri Schiavo all over again. What various conservative voices are missing in their rush to characterize the other side as ghouls is that when Haleigh has shown signs of recovery, the Department of Social Services has changed its plans and will continue life support.
The likelihood that the doctors are mistaken about the persistence of the vegetative state is much greater for a child than a similar diagnosis in an adult. At this point, everyone seems to be acting out of a position of hope. What more can anyone be asking for?
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I Gotta Try This
- Jack says “You have got to trust me”, take 1 shot– if the emphasis is on “got”, i.e. “You have GOT to trust me”, take an extra shot
- Jack doesn’t have time to explain, take 1 shot
- Jack doesn’t have time for this, take 1 shot
- Jack says “You’ve got to do it”, take 1 shot– if this is followed by “and you’ve got to do it now,” take 2 more
- Anyone points out something that is “against regulations”, take 1 shot
- Anyone has got to understand what is at stake here, take 1 shot
- Satellite coordinates are requested, take 1 shot– if they can’t get the coordinates, take another
The great thing about this game is the real time theme of the show. You would know exactly when you hit the floor. I'd give myself 10 minutes.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Wal-Mart Vineyards
I can just picture the racks of Wal-Mart Wine™ under the smiley face logo. I wonder: screw top or box? Gay Orbit offers a list of possible names, although I would add Pinot Greasyo.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Prison isn't Enough
Thursday, January 12, 2006
More on Iran and the UN Security Council
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Gross Chic
As one of the commenters said:
I think I saw this in Silence of the Lambs.
Definition of an Empty Threat
Color me not impressed. The path that is being proposed here is one that will give the mullahs years to perfect their processes and products. Even if the UN is able to shut down Iran's nuclear ambitions, there will still be more technical information floating around, adding to the library left by AQ Kahn.
Just another little bit to disturb one's sleep at night.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Philosophy is Where ID Belongs
Link via Castle Arrrgh!!
Monday, January 09, 2006
An ID Shot at Legitimacy
Googling for answers proved fruitless. If any of you out there know of any, please leave a link in the comments.
What I did find was a site proposing that there are testable predictions in Intelligent Design that indicate that ID is standing up better than evolution. I’ll re-format the questions, predictions and observations here for easier reading.
Single transcendent beginning: Anti-Supernatural - will be refuted; Christian ID - evidence will increase; Observation - There is no evidence for more than one universe or one creation event.This argument is characterizing the naturalistic position as presupposing the theory of a multitude of universes each of which possessing a unique beginning. Some cosmological theories propose that a new universe is created in a Big Bang with the collapse of a black hole. By definition, however, no information about the new universe can reach us because of the gravity of the black hole. Most scientists just give up when this theoretical limitation is reached, so this is debate in theory only.
Fine tuning: Anti-Supernatural - "design" will be shown to be an artifact, due to incomplete knowledge; Christian ID - more examples of extreme fine tuning will be found, indicating true design; Observation - Examples of fine tuning continue to increase. Some parameters designed to within a part in 10^120.This is the classic argument between the Weak Anthropic Principle (If things weren’t so fine tuned we wouldn’t be here to wonder at the fine tuning) and the Strong Anthropic Principle (Things were fine tuned so that we could marvel at the fine tuning). Even if String Theory manages to show how higher dimensions of space result in the state of the physical constants, it would only change the stage for the debate. That debate would be about whether a designer designed the shape of the higher dimensions so that life as we know it could come to be.
Additionally, the physical constants have to be the way they are for life as we know it to occur. Perhaps life as we don’t know it exists under other constants, but that type of thinking is just pure philosophy.
Uniqueness of earth: Anti-Supernatural - many rocky planets with oceans and continents will be found; Christian ID - earth-like planets will be found to be rare or non-existent; Observation - No other rocky planets have been found. Most planets found are large gas giants orbiting very close to their stars.Uh oh, science hasn’t found any other rocky planets, and therefore, they don’t exist. The most prolific method of finding planets has been to measure the wobble of a star under its planet’s gravity. That method only detects large planets orbiting close by the star. To make an analogy: we only have a net that catches fish larger than two feet long. Since no fish smaller than two feet are caught, it follows that no fish smaller than two feet exist. Science is limited to its tools for collecting information. To hold it to higher standards of information is arguing disingenuously.
Existence of life in the universe: Anti-Supernatural - life will be found to be abundant in our galaxy, since it is simply the properties of chemistry and physics; Christian ID - extraterrestrial life will be rare or non-existent and advanced life will be found only on earth; Observation - No other life found. SETI has been completely unsuccessful.The plentitude of life off of earth is a wide-open debate in science, so the above characterization is a massive simplification. As for not finding life elsewhere, we haven’t had the capability of looking for life. To conflate all searches for life down to SETI is to limit the definition life solely to intelligent life capable of sending radio signals. Even then, and giving SETI a generous fifty years of operation, we have only listened to a fifty light year sphere around the earth. That is a mere pittance of the whole of the galaxy, much less the whole of the universe.
Prebiotic chemistry: Anti-Supernatural - a naturalistic scenario for the origin of all biochemical pathways and replicative molecules will be found; Christian ID - the universe was designed to support living systems, but their creation required ID by God; Observation - It is impossible to chemically produce many basic molecules required for any living system.Note the change in tense between the prediction and the observation: will be found/is impossible. Seems like the goal posts are set to move into the parking lot.
Origin of Life: Anti-Supernatural - Life emerged late, during ideal environmental conditions. Life began as simple systems (pre-bacteria); Christian ID - Life emerged early under adverse conditions. Life has always been complex; Observation - Neither the biochemical nor replicative pathways have been described. In fact, many scientists think that they could not have arisen by any naturalistic means.See above. Once again we have the “Science can’t, therefore science shall never” fallacy. Add in the “Many Scientists” believe something fallacy.
New designs in nature: Anti-Supernatural - Complex new designs would be rare and develop slowly whereas simple transitions would be common; Christian ID - No restriction on designs with the possibility that new designs would be created "overnight"; Observation - Contrary to the expectations of evolutionary theory, the fossil record is replete with complex transitions and new designs whereas simple transitions (intermediates) are rare.Evolutionary theory would expect the opposite to be true and to be reflected in the fossil record.
Evidently there’s no love for the punctuated equilibrium theory of Stephen Jay Gould. Additionally, the prevalence of simple transitions has been grossly mischaracterized. As for emergence of complex new species appearing, see below.
Mass extinction events: Anti-Supernatural - Slow recovery; Christian ID - No restrictions on "recovery" period as new species are created; Observation - Evolution predicts slow recovery following extinctions and that those recoveries will be filled by the species surviving the extinction event. However, the fossil record indicates rapid recovery with completely different designs and species appearing within a period of tens of thousands of years or less.Evolution would hardly predict slow recovery. Immediately after a mass extinction event would be a great time to be a mutant. When the playing field is wide open is when natural selection is at its weakest. Vast variation from small sets of species is to be expected, even in a time frame as short as ten thousand years.
In short, nothing but mischaracterizations and expectations that science either knows now or never shall know.
Very Good News from Sago
Hopefully, his forebrain also remained in good health. If it has, then there is a good chance that it will be Randy that awakens, as opposed to a diminished version. His wife deserves that for her dedication through this ordeal.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
A Bit of Humor for Your Day
Thursday, January 05, 2006
5 Days Must Be Some Sort of Record
On today's 700 Club, Rev. Pat Robertson blamed Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharons recent stroke on God's "enmity against those who 'divide my land,'" an implicit reference to recent steps the Prime Minister has taken to advance the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.Pardon me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the return of the Jews to the Promised Land a sign of the coming Apocalypse? So if Israel is giving up land, doesn't that imply the Army of God is taking a slight stand down?
Just a thought: Since both Jews and Muslims worship the same God, granted in different ways, the land, from God's point of view, is not divided. It all belongs to his followers who are working toward His glory. At least, in theory.
Some Questions Are Better Than Others
Skeptico, via the Skeptics Circle, answers the appeal to “science doesn’t know everything” with a call for evidence. A question needs a basis in what is already known. Much like you need to know the starting point of a journey to make decent directions, you need to start with knowledge so that any new discovery is of a piece with the rest of science. I don't see how that is so difficult.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Talk About an Irrational Player
Scientists in Tehran are also shopping for parts for a ballistic missile capable of reaching Europe, with "import requests and acquisitions ... registered almost daily", the report seen by the Guardian concludes.If these guys are looking for parts for balistic missiles, then they are clearly off their chump. The downside to a nuclear missile is that it leaves a clear return address. Tehran would be an irradiated parking lot shortly after launch.
There is no playing with people like this.
One more thing: I wonder where Ahmadinejad picked up this rhetoric:
Governments in the west and elsewhere have also been dismayed by recent pronouncements from the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has said that Holocaust denial is a "scientific debate" and that Israel should be "wiped off the map".Teach the debate, y'all.
Via Protein Wisdom