Sunday, January 09, 2005

Let the Reader Beware

Roger L. Simon offers two competing views as to the best response to media bias and the image of objectivity: either surrender the pretense and honestly state the inclination of the reporter, or hold the line and cut down bias ruthlessly. I am of the first opinion. If you have a photograph of something, you can then get more information from it if you know where the picture was taken. As close to all of the information possible is recieved when image is combined with perspective.

One exchange in the comments is very telling. Miriam asks why can't reporters just report the facts. Ross the Heartless conservative responded:

The trouble with the facts is that there are so darn many ways to interpret them and they often don't make a lot of sense without the context. And context can be everything.

If the dollar falls against other major currencies it can be factually reported as making American products more affordable to the overseas market or as weakening the purchase power of the American dollar.

To paraphrase an old political adage the audience determines whether Bourbon is "that elixer of life that soothes a man's nerves after a hard day at work" or if it is "the demon liquid that destroys families and is the scourge of modern civilization". I could find "facts" to support either position.

Image, perspective.

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